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Certification Services - Integrated Management Systems Certification (IMS)

Integrated management certification to PAS 99 demonstrates that you’re meeting all of your responsibilities and gives confidence to potential customers, suppliers, investors and stakeholders.

This isn't just good PR, implementation and certification can also save you money and make a real difference to your business’s bottom line.

Benefits include:

  • Reduced costs
    By avoiding duplication in internal audits, document control, training and administration, adopting future management systems will be much more effective.
  • Time savings
    By having only one management review.
  • A holistic approach to managing business risks
    By ensuring that all consequences of any action are taken into account, including how they affect each other and their associated risks.
  • Reduced duplication and bureaucracy
    By having one set of processes ensures the requirements of the specific standards are co-ordinated, workloads streamlined and disparate systems avoided.
  • Less conflict between systems
    By avoiding separate ‘silo’s’ for the likes of quality, health & safety and environment, responsibilities are made clear from the outset.
  • Improved communication, both internal and external
    By having one set of objectives and targets, a team approach culture can thrive and improve communication.
  • Enhanced business focus
    By having one system linked to the strategic objectives and targets of the business contributes to the overall continual improvement of the organization.
  • Improved staff morale and motivation
    By involving and linking roles and responsibilities to objectives, it makes change and new initiatives easier to implement and makes for a more dynamic and successful company.
  • Optimized internal and external audits
    By minimizing the number of audits required and maximizing the number of people involved.

IMS Certification to PAS99 also means we know how to fully exploit the benefits of an integrated management system to ensure we unlock the integrated potential in your business.

Contact us for more information

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